Citrix Monitoring with PRTG Plugins

PRTG Plugins role based sensors can easily be configured to proactively find and monitor most common Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop, Infrastructure, and Role based failure points. The plugins allow you to proactively anticipate, troubleshoot, resolve, and prevent performance issues in the most complex Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop environments. This in addition to other PRTG Network monitor native sensors and Our Plugins establishes a system monitor that normally costs thousands instead of less than 30 € per month.


The results of the RDPmonitor sensor vary between different Citrix versions, so please refer to Admin Guide for more information.


The supported target Citrix versions range from Metaframe 4.x to the latest XenApp 7.x versions,


The monitoring responsibilites are divided into three individual plugins: rdpmonitor, icamonitorvpxmonitor

icon perf

Server Performance


icon user

User Session Simulation


icon netscaler

NetScaler Monitoring

Citrix Session Monitoring with PRTG Plugins

Key features

  • Monitoring Citrix/XenApp Session performance with Application screenshots and History
  • Citrix and XenApp Performance and Health Monitoring
  • Monitor all license server details per usage percentage

This plugin is always targetted to publishing servers in direct mode in order to ensure that all target servers are capable of producing the session for user. This prequisites a direct network connectivity to the publishing servers from the PRTG probe used.

Session Monitoring Information

  • ICA connection time
  • ICA session login time
  • Published application:
    • Application Launch time (with Recording)
    • Screenshot saving enabled
    • History view of Application screenshots
  • ICA session logoff time
  • Errors Count

Session Simulation Reporting Points in Time

The following schema explains in detail the steps in the session simulation and the reported times in the results.

Session Monitoring PRTG Map Example

You can incorporate the session simulation results and the latest screen shot (and or the screen shot log) into a single informative map.

Citrix Performance Monitoring with PRTG Plugins

Citrix XenApp Performance and Health Monitoring

Our plugin offers comprehensive ways to monitor your Citrix and XenApp farms:

  • ICA Session Performance Counters
  • ICA Metadata Performance Counters
  • Secure Ticketing Authority Values
  • IMA Networking Performance Counters
  • Licensing Performance and Health
  • XenApp Server Load Monitoring
  • ICA Sessions data

Citrix XenApp 7.6 Performance data

Monitoring Citrix XenApp Publishing server session performance:

  • Network performance
  • Roundtrip values
  • Bandwidth Usage

Monitoring XenApp 7.6 Farm Load

Monitor individual Server Citirix loads and amount of registered/unregistered Servers.

Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 ICA Session data

XenApp 6.5 Server ICA Session data

XenApp 6.5 Server Load, IMA connection and Licensing data example

Monitoring Control Hosts

Monitoring session creation effectiveness can be divided in to two main parts:

  • Identify Slow Session creation processes
  • Identify Unsuccessful Session creation processes

Combine these performance measurements to icamonitoring tools results.

With Comprehensive Error Reporting Features

Receive alerts of incomplete or problematic login tries on your server farm to identify any problems in your infrastructure.
Allows you to proactively contact the user even before he reports the problem.

Monitoring The Applications started on Publishing Servers

This feature is available on version XenApp 6.5 and above

Monitoring Citrix Logon Performance

You can monitor Session Logon performance per each Publishing server in order to identify any performance discrepancy.

Easily identify any Slow logons detected in your Server Farm.

Monitoring Citrix Licensing Information

Example Output of Channels:

Citrix NetScaler Monitoring with PRTG Plugins

NetScaler Base Monitoring Sensor

NetScaler base monitoring sensor enables basically the same view of information as the default Netscaler Dashboard

NetScaler Certificates Monitoring

Lists all installed Certificates by name and their days left. Also a generic channel is created for least days left certificate for generic alerting purposes.

NetScaler Load Balancing Virtual Servers Monitoring

Monitor the states of your Load Balancing Virtual Servers.

  • Effective states
  • Current States
  • Health
  • Status

Sensor utilizes PRTG lookups to report the real status of the states and health.

NetScaler Gateway Virtual Servers Status Monitoring

Reports Virtual Servers Status and AAA users count.

NetScaler Configuration Changes Monitoring

Many administrators find it imperative to know when and what has been modified in the Netscaler configuration. PRTG Plugins Netscaler Sensor offers many options to cover this topic.

Monitoring Netscaler Modes

With this sensor option you can 'lock' each setting of your Netscaler configuration and get alerts if any of them changes.

Monitoring Netscaler Configuration

This sensor monitors your Netscaler for any configuration changes that are left unsaved. You can set a safety time after which the sensor sends a warning of unsaved settings. the safety time is configurable to suit your needs.




Monitoring Latest Netscaler Backup Age

This sensor simply reports the age and name of the latest backup of your Netscaler configuration. You can set your own limits for Warnings and Errors.

VPX Backup01